Betty Ann Ladnier age 67 went home to the Lord peacefully in her sleep on March 6, 2020. She is preceded in death by her parents, John and Gisela Stamper. She leaves behind her son, Mario Stamper and his wife, daughter Holly Rhodes, and her sisters Monica McDaniel and Janet Stamper. She was the beloved Maw Maw to Christian Stamper and Brenna Stamper and great grandmother to Ella, Blaisen, and Elijah. Bettina was a living example of her favorite Bible verse, “This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118: 24 She loved life and people and was adored by everyone she encountered. A celebration of life will be held Sunday, March 15th from 3- 4:30 PM at Catholic Presbyterian Apartments. Located at 655 North Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802. The number to their building is 225-383-5551.
When I come to the end of my journey
And I travel my last weary mile
Just forget if you can, that I ever frowned
And remember only the smile
Forget unkind words I have spoken
Remember some good I have done
Forget that I ever had a heartache
And remember I’ve had loads of fun
Forget that I have stumbled and blundered
And sometimes fell by the way
Remember I have fought some hard battles
And won, ere the close of the day
Then forget to grieve for my going
I would not have you sad for a day
But in summer just gather some flowers
And remember the place where I lay
And come in the evening
When the sun paints the sky in the west
Stand for a few moments beside me
And remember only my best.