Nick Giaccone passed away on Monday, September 2, 2019, at the age 61. Funeral services will be held Friday, September 6,2019 at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, 19421 Greenwell Springs Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739. Visitation will begin at 2pm until service at 4pm. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Arrangements made by Church Funeral Services, Walker, LA. Nick is survived by his wife, Cherie Giaccone; his stepdaughter, Lindsay Fruge and husband Phillip Stephens; his step-son, James Fruge; his grandchildren, Jacob Stephens and Brody Stephens; his brother, Joseph Giacone and sister-in-law, Brenda Giacone; his beloved fur babies, Bud, Lilly, Tiger, Bear, Mandy, Missy, Buckwheat, Siss, Susie, ET, Kasey and the late Beau. He is preceded in death by his parents Nick Giacone and Lena Vittorio Giacone. Arrangements made by Church Funeral Services, Walker, LA 225-271-4574