Doris Juneau

Doris Juneau

A resident of Greenwell Springs, LA she passed away on April 6, 2020 at the age of 91.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge (225) 293-4174

Lloyd Camp

Lloyd Camp

A resident of Denham Springs, LA he passed away on April 5, 2020 at the age of 67.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Walker, LA (225) 271-4574

Susann Myler

Susann Myler

A resident of Baton Rouge, LA she passed away on April 5, 2020 at the age of 69.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge (225) 293-4174

Nelda Davis Parker

Nelda Davis Parker

Nelda Davis Parker, 90, of Baton Rouge died peacefully at her home Saturday, March 28, 2020 with her beloved husband Jesse Joe Parker and their family. She and Dr. Parker were married 69 years. Nelda grew up with seven siblings on a farm in Ringgold, LA where she learned to cook, sew, and manage a household at an early age....

Brenda Bazile

Brenda Bazile

Mrs. Brenda Bazile, a resident of Denham Springs, Louisiana, passed away at Ochsner Medical Center in Baton Rouge on Saturday, April 4, 2020 at the age of 68 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

Mark S. Danielowicz

Mark S. Danielowicz

Mr. Mark S. Danielowicz, a resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana passed away in Baton Rouge on Sunday, March 29, 2020 at the age of 57 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

Ramon Corzo

Ramon Corzo

Mr. Ramon Corzo, a resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, he passed away at Heritage Manor Nursing Home on Friday, April 3, 2020 at the age of 70 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services.

Greg Becker

Greg Becker

Mr. Greg Becker, a resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana passed away at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center on Monday, March 16, 2020 at the age of 51 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, Baton Rouge

Dr. John E. Firestone

Dr. John E. Firestone

John Edgar Firestone, Sr. died Friday, April 3, 2020 at The Carpenter House in Baton Rouge after a brief illness. He was 90 years old. Born in Rosepine, Louisiana, on June 3, 1929, he spent most of his youth in Hathaway, Louisiana. He received a BA in chemistry from McPherson College. After a year of teaching high school chemistry, he...

Charlene S. Lemoine

Charlene S. Lemoine

This amazing lady, mother and grandmother went home to be with our heavenly father on March 31, 2020. Over the past year she fought for each breath so could have one more day to be with her family and friends. She was finally able to go peacefully surrounded by her daughter and two grandsons. She was truly a fighter, very...

Steven Abrams

Steven Abrams

Graveside services for Steven Abrams, age 38 will be held at 2:00pm on Saturday, April 4,2020 at Wetmore Cemetery in Ponchatoula. Stephen went home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 4:15 PM at his residence. He is survived by his partner of 18 years, Gary Melancon; father, Mark Abrams; sister, Jessica Tate and grandparents, Joseph...

Evan Joseph Fellows

Evan Joseph Fellows

A ceremony celebrating the life of Evan Joseph Fellows will be held at a future date. Private graveside services at Hope Haven Garden of Memory Cemetery Gonzales; officiating Fr. Jerry Martin.  Evan was born on July 28, 2000 in Baton Rouge and departed from this life on March 28, 2020 at the age of 19 years and 8 months. He...

Yong Liu

Yong Liu

Yong Liu, a resident of Houma, LA, passed away on April 1, 2020 at the age of 64.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

David Walter Raasch, Jr.

David Walter Raasch, Jr.

Mr. David Walter Raasch, Jr. passed away at Ochsner Medical Center in Jefferson, Louisiana on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at the age of 63 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

Harold Roy

Harold Roy

Harold Roy, a resident of Baton Rouge, LA, passed away on March 31, 2020 at the age of 83.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge (225) 293-4174

Charles Milton Seguin, Sr.

Charles Milton Seguin, Sr.

Charles Milton Seguin Sr., age 72, of Ventress, LA. died at his home at 2:10 am. on Sunday March 29, 2020. Charles was born on July 26,1947 in Baton Rouge, La. Married for 44 yrs., he was a proud Marine who served his country in the Vietnam War where he was awarded the Purple Heart. Charles was also a member...

Larkell Courville

Larkell Courville

Larkell Courville, a resident of Baton Rouge, LA, passed away on March 30, 2020 at the age of 69.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge (225) 293-4174

Patricia Satterfield

Patricia Satterfield

Patricia Satterfield, a resident of Maurepas, LA, passed away on March 30, 2020 at the age of 58.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

Brian Eastman

Brian Eastman

Brian Eastman, a resident of New Orleans, LA, passed away on March 30, 2020 at the age of 61.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

Albert Cox

Albert Cox

Albert Cox, a resident of Baton Rouge, LA, passed away on March 29, 2020 at the age of 89. Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

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