Linda Dawson

Linda Dawson

Mrs. Linda Dawson was a resident of Baton Rouge, LA. She passed away on February 21, 2020 at the age of 72.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge (225) 293-4174

Ellis Myers

Ellis Myers

A resident of Springfield, LA he passed away on February 19, 2020 at the age of 77.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant 225-644-9683

Anita Garcia

Anita Garcia

Ms. Anita Garcia was a resident of Metairie, LA. She passed away on February 19, 2020 at the age of 80.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

Jan Delatte

Jan Delatte

A resident of Baton Rouge, LA she passed away on February 18, 2020 at the age of 65.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge (225) 293-4174

Joseph Kirby

Joseph Kirby

Joseph V. Kirby Jr., a loving father and grandfather, went home to be with the lord and his loving wife Margurite.  A memorial service to celebrate the life of Joseph V. Kirby Jr. will be held Saturday, February 22, 2020 with visitation at 9:30 AM and a service at 10:30 AM at Foster Road Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, LA.  ...

Mary Ann Bruner

Mary Ann Bruner

A resident of Baton Rouge, LA she passed away on February 17, 2020 at the age of 88.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge (225) 293-4174

Julia T. Pierson

Julia T. Pierson

A ceremony celebrating the life of Julia Mae Tompley Pierson will be 2 pm Thursday at First United Pentecostal Church Denham Springs, visitation will begin at 10 am. Interment will be at Courtney Cemetery Holden; Rev. W. R. Johnson will be officiating.Mrs. Pierson a resident of Holden, passed away on February 17, 2020 at the age of 93 years. She...

Robert Sullivan

Robert Sullivan

The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness.                                                                                                                                              Psalm 41:3  Robert Sullivan died on Monday,  February 17th, 2020 at his residence in Walker, LA. A lifelong resident of Denham Springs, Robert was born February 5th, 1952 to Lively Walter Sullivan and Mary Virgie LeJeune Sullivan.Robert is survived by his wife Cheryl, his...

Kay Sharon Buchanan

Kay Sharon Buchanan

A loving and caring person to everyone. She was 64 years old and a longtime resident of Gonzales where she lived with soul mate and friend Ronnie Saurage 1. She was born July 24, 1956, passed away February 16, 2020. She was a member of Christ Healing Community Church, 404 W. Pine St. Gonzales. She taught Sunday School Class there...

Pat Weakley

Pat Weakley

Pat Larry Weakley, a resident of Slaughter, LA, entered into eternal rest on February 16, 2020. Pat was born on June 21, 1937 in Bogalusa, LA. He was a graduate of Istrouma High School, Class of 1955 and attended Istrouma Baptist Church. He was a retired U.S. Air Force veteran of over 21 years. During a portion of his service...

Paul Jones

Paul Jones

A resident of Baton Rouge, LA he passed away on February 16, 2020 at the age of 91.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

Minnie Gilbert

Minnie Gilbert

A resident of Baton Rouge, LA she passed away on February 16, 2020 at the age of 93.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge (225) 293-4174

Dianna Benthall

Dianna Benthall

Dianna Lynn Benthall passed away peacefully in her home surrounded by her family in Prairieville at the age of 73 on February 15, 2020.  Dianna was a native of New Orleans, Louisiana.  A celebration of her life will be held at The Church in St. Amant located at 13423 LA-431, St. Amant, LA on Saturday February 22, 2020 at 11...

Joseph Murphy Rousseau

Joseph Murphy Rousseau

A celebration of life for Joseph Murphy Rousseau is currently pending.He was born on June 6, 1944 and departed from this life at Iberville Oaks Nursing Center on Saturday February 15, 2020.Joseph was an automotive mechanic and served his country with the United States Army. He was a resident of Plaquemine and enjoyed watching western movies, especially with his favorite...

Richard Moscatello

Richard Moscatello

Richard “Rick” Anthony Moscatello, 52, was called home by God on February 15, 2020 at his home surrounded by those he loved, after a courageous battle with cancer.  Rick was born in Tampa, Florida on June 8, 1967. He received his B.A. in Mathematics and Masters in Statistics/Probability from the University of South Florida in 1990. Rick taught at Tulane...

April Miller

April Miller

A ceremony celebrating the life of April Powell Miller will be Saturday February 22, 2020 1:00 pm at Fellowship Church, 14363 LA HWY 73 Prairieville; visitation begins at 12 noon.Mrs. Miller was born on June 13, 1953 in Baton Rouge and passed from this life on Friday February 14, 2020 at her residence in Prairieville.Complete obituary will follow.

Don Henry Bullock Jr.

Don Henry Bullock Jr.

Don Henry Bullock Jr, died on Thursday, February 13th, 2020 at his residence in Walker, LA. Don was born in Baton Rouge on June 11th, 1964 and resided in Louisiana most of his life.Don is survived by his Wife Neysa Bullock, his Mother and Father-in-law Lynn and John Seay, his children Joshua Carpenter, Alicia Bullock, Brennan Bullock, and Carly Bullock,...

Crystal Cognevich

Crystal Cognevich

Crystal Celeste Cognevich was born on May 3, 1967 in Port Sulphur, LA to the union of Dewey and Jean Hamilton Congnevich and passed from this life on Thursday February 13, 2020 at the age of 52 years. She was a resident of Denham Springs.

Alfredo Arvelo Aleman

Alfredo Arvelo Aleman

A resident of Denham Springs, LA he passed away on February 13, 2020 at the age of 68.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant 225-644-9683

Kathleen Gordon

Kathleen Gordon

Kathleen Gordon went to her heavenly home Thursday, February 13, 2020 surrounded by her family. She was 78 years old and a resident of Gonzales, La. Visitation will be at Colyell Baptist Church, 19524 Hwy 42, on Monday, February 17, 2020 from 5pm – 9pm and will resume on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at St. Marks Catholic Church Hwy 621,...

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