Robert Howard

Robert Howard

A resident of Donaldsonville, LA he passed away on January 21, 2020 at the age of 59.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant225-644-9683

Shannon Hamilton

Shannon Hamilton

A resident of St. Tammany Parish, she passed away on February 5, 2020 at the age of 43.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

Ida Kreamer

Ida Kreamer

A resident of Gonzales, LA she passed away on January 30, 2020 at the age of 85.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant225-644-9683

Molly Guillory

Molly Guillory

A resident of Baton Rouge, LA she passed away on February 5, 2020 at the age of 62.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

Gary Delatte

Gary Delatte

A resident of Baton Rouge, LA he passed away on January 29, 2020 at the age of 65.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge225-293-4174

Edward Adams

Edward Adams

A resident of Westwego, LA he passed away on January 29, 2020 at the age of 61.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant225-644-9683

Douglas Reeves

Douglas Reeves

A resident of Ferriday, LA he passed away on January 31, 2020 at the age of 74.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge225-293-4174

Keith Mueller

Keith Mueller

A resident of Baton Rouge, LA he passed away on January 12, 2020 at the age of 37.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge225-293-4174

Nelson Morgan

Nelson Morgan

A resident of Baton Rouge, LA he passed away on January 28, 2020 at the age of 81.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge.225-293-4174

Robin Stephens

Robin Stephens

A resident of Gonzales, LA they passed away on February 1, 2020 at the age of 56.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of Baton Rouge225-293-4174

In Loving Memory Diane Smith Marchand

In Loving Memory Diane Smith Marchand

Diane Smith Marchand of St. Amant passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on Saturday February 1, 2020 at the age of 79 years after a thirteen-year battle with Dementia. Diane was a thirty-one-year breast cancer survivor and was born on January 25, 1941 to the union of the late Velpeau and Gertrude Smith. She is preceded in death by...

John Williams

John Williams

John Randolph Williams (also known as “Johnny”) passed away on January 27, 2020 in Grangeville, LA at age 80. John is survived by his daughter, Sandra Ellen Williams; Mother of his daughter, Patricia L. Williams Fletcher; two brothers, Kirby Elleby Campbell, Jr. and Charles Jesse Campbell (Cara “Dareen”); an Aunt, Ella “Little Bit” Louise Westerlund; numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins....

John G. Dufrene, Iii

John G. Dufrene, Iii

John G. Dufrene III a native and resident of Paradis, LA passed away on January 11, 2020 suddenly and unexpectedly. He was 57 years old and Born on March 17, 1962. He is survived by his wife, Tina S. Dufrene, son, John G. Dufrene IV, daughter, Scarlet D. St. Romain; son in law, Joseph St. Romain Jr., sister, Vanessa K...

Barbara Williams

Barbara Williams

A resident of Port Allen, LA she passed away on February 4, 2020 at the age of 66.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

Sandy Chester

Sandy Chester

Sandy Chester of Loranger, age 63, passed away peacefully at her home surrounded by her loving family, on Tuesday January 21, 2020. Sandy was born in New Orleans and graduated from Chapelle High School. After high school, she studied art at Delgado, and later in life she earned a bachelor’s degree in social work from Southeastern University, an accomplishment that...

Don Scott Jr.

Don Scott Jr.

A resident of New Orleans, LA he passed away on February 3, 2020 at the age of 51.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

Heather Jones

Heather Jones

A resident of Kentwood, LA she passed away on February 1, 2020 at the age of 27.Arrangements by Church Funeral Services of St. Amant (225) 644-9683

Michael J. Miller

Michael J. Miller

Michael J. Miller was born on December 5, 1953 in Fresno, California and passed from this life on January 30, 2020 at The Crossing Baton Rouge at the age of 66 years. He was a resident of French Settlement; preceded in death by his parents, Henry and Louella Shackleford Miller; brother, Terry and Ricky Miller. Survivors include his wife, Dianne...

Jeffrey Allen

Jeffrey Allen

A ceremony celebrating the life of Jeff are pending at his time; but will be announced soon.Jeffrey Mark Allen was born in Baton Rouge on August 8, 1990 and passed from this life in Gonzales on Wednesday January 29, 2020 at the age of 29 years, 5 months and 21 days. He enjoyed the outdoors and fishing; he was a...

Gloria Fay Gonzales

Gloria Fay Gonzales

Gloria Fay Gonzales was born on December 8, 1927 in Baton Rouge and passed from this life on January 28, 2020 at the age of 92 years. She was a resident of Clinton and a homemaker. Memorial services are pending at this time.

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