Jessica Ann Hutchinson

Jessica Ann Hutchinson

A native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana and a resident of Prairieville, Louisiana she passed away at her home in Prairieville on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at the age of 42 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

John James Mendoza

John James Mendoza

A native of Plaquemine, Louisiana and a resident of Prairieville, Louisiana he passed away at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at the age of 52 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

William (Bill) James Trees

William (Bill) James Trees

William (Bill) James Trees, 86, died November 27, 2019 at the Carpenter House Hospice Center in Baton Rouge following a brief illness. He leaves his companion of 13 years, Natalie Lamoreau; his 2 sons, Bob and Bill; his daughter, Belinda; nine grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren, and many close friends. He is predeceased by his parents James and Thora Trees; his...

Betty Bennett Hastings

Betty Bennett Hastings

Betty Bennett Hastings was born on March 12, 1931 and joined the Lord on November 28, 2019 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana surrounded by her loving family. Betty was a longtime member of First Baptist Church of West Monroe and later of First Baptist Church of Baton Rouge. Betty received a B.S. in Business Administration from Louisiana Tech University. Her keen...

Tami S. Howard

Tami S. Howard

A native of Yakima, Washington and a resident of Prairieville, Louisiana she passed away at her home in Prairieville on Sunday, December 1, 2019 at the age of 57 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

Geraldine Mary Develle

Geraldine Mary Develle

A native of New Orleans, Louisiana and a resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana she passed away at her home in Baton Rouge on Sunday, December 1, 2019 at the age of 83 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services.

Doris Ellen Springer

Doris Ellen Springer

A native of Magnolia, Mississippi and a resident of Independence, Louisiana she passed away at North Oaks Medical Center in Hammond, Louisiana on Sunday, December 1, 2019 at the age of 71 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, Walke

Louis Fair Hyams, Iii

Louis Fair Hyams, Iii

A native of Natchitoches, Louisiana and a resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana he passed away at his home in Baton Rouge on Saturday, November 30, 2019 at the age of 64 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

Mary Gwen Villnerve Stevens

Mary Gwen Villnerve Stevens

Mary Gwen Villnerve Stevens 79, passed away November 27, 2019, in St. Amant with all her family around her. She worked at the Pants Factory and Neese, until she left to be a full time Maw Maw. She is preceded in death by her parents, Emanuel and Leonise Rodrigue Villneuve. She is also processed in death by her husband- the...

Karen Elizabeth Henry Dower

Karen Elizabeth Henry Dower

A native of Houma, Louisiana and a resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana she passed away at Our Lade of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge on Friday, November 29, 2019 at the age of 74 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

Eddie J. St. Pierre

Eddie J. St. Pierre

A Mass of Christian Burial celebrating the life of Eddie J. St Pierre will be held at 11:00am Monday at St Mark Catholic Church; visitation will begin at 9:00am. Interment with Military Honors will follow at Holy Rosary Mausoleum. Mr. St Pierre was born on October 31, 1937 and departed from this life on November 27, 2019 at the age...

Tammy Marie Blackwell

Tammy Marie Blackwell

Tammy Marie Blackwell of Baker, Louisiana entered heaven peacefully to rest in the arms of her savior on November 26, 2019. She was a devoted wife to her husband of 36 years, a wonderful mother to her two children, and the best “Mawmaw” to her five grandchildren, who she was most proud of. She called Cornerstone Fellowship her church home...

Evan Godwin

Evan Godwin

Mr. Evan Godwin of Gonzales, Louisiana passed away at Gonzales Heathcare Center on Wednesday, November 27, 2019. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services.

Maureen Duhon Langlois

Maureen Duhon Langlois

Maureen Duhon Langlois, age 72, a native of Baton Rouge and resident of St. Amant, LA, passed away at home Monday, November 25, 2019. She is survived by her life partner and wife of 33 years, Alice Langlois. She was preceded in death by her father and mother, Maurice L. Duhon, Jr., and Elise M. (Guidry) Duhon; her mother-in-law, Iris...

Kimberly Ochsner

Kimberly Ochsner

Mrs. Kimberly Ochsner passed away at her home in Ponchatoula, Louisiana on Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at the age of 52 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, Walke

William J. Trees

William J. Trees

A native of Belmond, Iowa and a resident of Wilmington, Delaware he passed away at The Carpenter House of St. Joseph Hospice in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at the age of 86 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

Tammy Marie Blackwell

Tammy Marie Blackwell

Tammy Marie Blackwell passed away at Baton Rouge General Hospital Bluebonnet in Baton Rouge at 7:50am on Tuesday, November 26, 2019, at the age of 51 years. Visitation will be held at Cornerstone Fellowship Church, 9611 Blackwater Rd., Baker LA 70714, from 9:00am until time of funeral service at 11:00am on Saturday, November 30, 2019. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services,...

Peggy Welch Wooldridge

Peggy Welch Wooldridge

Peggy Welch Wooldridge was born in Chicago, IL, on Oct. 25, 1919 and passed away peacefully at her home in Baton Rouge, LA. on November 23, 2019. She was 100 years old. Peggy completed two years of college at the University of Tampa, and one year at Ole Miss University.  She worked for Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi,...

Caroline “Ms. Sue” Averett

Caroline “Ms. Sue” Averett

A ceremony celebrating the life Caroline “Ms. Sue” Averett will be 11:00am Monday at Colyell Baptist Church; visitation begins at 9:00am. Interment will follow at Hughes Cemetery. Ms. Sue was born on November 11, 1942 in Independence, LA and passed from this life on November 22, 2019 at the age of 77 years. She was a Notary, a member of...

George Robertson Lee

George Robertson Lee

A native of Vera Beach, Florida and a resident of Gonzales, Louisiana he passed away at Gonzales Healthcare Center on Friday, November 22, 2019 at the age of 73 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

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