Nick Giaccone

Nick Giaccone

Nick Giaccone passed away on Monday, September 2, 2019, at the age 61. Funeral services will be held Friday, September 6,2019 at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, 19421 Greenwell Springs Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739. Visitation will begin at 2pm until service at 4pm. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Arrangements made by Church Funeral Services, Walker, LA. Nick is...

Lorena Andre Henson

Lorena Andre Henson

Mrs. Lorena Andre Henson passed away at her home in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at 7:10am on Monday, September 2, 2019 at the age of 93 years. Arrangements are pending with Church Funeral Services, St. Amant 225-644-9683

Darlene Elfer Smith

Darlene Elfer Smith

Darlene passed away Aug 30, 2019 at the carpenter house in Baton Rouge. She was born October 5, 1948 at Hotel Dieu in New Orleans and lived the first years of her life in the New Orleans/Metairie area. The last years were lived in the Prairieville/Hope Villa area on scenic Bayou Manchac. Darlene is survived by her husband, Ronald Dale...

Martin Wayne Debenedetto

Martin Wayne Debenedetto

Martin Wayne DeBenedetto passed away at home with his devoted family by his side on August 31, 2019.  Born on November 25, 1955, 63 years young and a lifelong resident of Baton Rouge.  He lost his battle with cancer. Martin’s love of family, the outdoors, hunting and fishing, and the joy of cooking for his family. He was a conservative...

Danelle Bruchhaus

Danelle Bruchhaus

A native of Elton, Louisiana and a resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana she passed away at Jefferson Manor Nursing Home in Baton Rouge on Monday, September 2, 2019 at the age of 72 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services

Jeremy David Thornton

Jeremy David Thornton

Jeremy David Thornton passed away at his home in New Orleans on July 7, 2019 at the age of 41. Born on April 17, 1978 in Syracuse, New York, he lived the last 20 years in Raleigh, NC, and recently moved to New Orleans, Louisiana. He is the son of Lori Caffrey of Cicero, NY and John Thornton Sr. of...

Gene Baker

Gene Baker

A native of Memphis, Tennessee and a resident of Harvey, Louisiana he passed away at his home in Harvey on Friday, August 30, 2019 at the age of 51 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, Baton Rouge

Christine Maria Gonzalez

Christine Maria Gonzalez

A native of Lansing, Michigan and a resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana she passed away at The Crossing of Clarity Hospice in Baton Rouge on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at the age of 48 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, Walker 225-271-4574

Cynthia Englehorn Sims

Cynthia Englehorn Sims

A native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana and a resident of Denham Springs, Louisiana she passed away at her home in Denham Springs on Saturday, August 24, 2019 at the age of 55 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, 225-271-4574

Brandon Ledoux

Brandon Ledoux

A native and resident of Baton Rouge, Louisiana he passed away in Baton Rouge on Thursday, August 22, 2019 at the age of 32 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, Baton Rouge 225-271-4574

Martha Lynn Legg

Martha Lynn Legg

A ceremony celebrating the life of Martha Lynn Legg will be 3 pm Friday August 30, 2019 at The Church in St Amant. Martha was born on August 21, 1956 in Lumberton, Mississippi and departed from this life on Wednesday August 28, 2019 at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center at the age of 63 years. She was...

Jack Duncan Cruthirds, Jr.

Jack Duncan Cruthirds, Jr.

Jack Duncan Cruthirds, Jr., 70, passed away peacefully in his Galvez home with his devoted wife of 44 years, Annette Cruthirds by his side on August 27, 2019. He was born February 5, 1949 in Deridder growing up in Sulphur, Louisiana.  He was a proud PawPaw to five grandchildren and PeePaw to 3 great grandsons who were the light of...

Charles Ray “Charlie” Braud

Charles Ray “Charlie” Braud

A ceremony celebrating the life of Charles Ray Braud will be 10 am Thursday at Holy Rosary Catholic Church St. Amant. Inurnment will follow at the church mausoleum. Charlie was born on December 23, 1946 and departed from this life on Thursday August 22, 2019 at his residence unexpectedly; at the age of 72 years. He was a native and...

Cherie Heinz

Cherie Heinz

Cherie Heinz was born on September 17, 1968 and departed from this life on Sunday August 25, 2019 at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center Baton Rouge at the age of 50 years. She was a resident of West Baton Rouge Parish and a native of the state of Maryland. She will be remembered as a mother, companion,...

Charles Ray Braud

Charles Ray Braud

Mr. Charles Ray Braud passed away at his home in St. Amant, Louisiana on the evening of Thursday, August 22, 2019 at the age of 72 years. Arrangements are pending with Church Funeral Services, St. Amant 225-644-9683

Guy Fenley

Guy Fenley

A ceremony celebrating the life of Guy Douglas Fenley will be held at 6 pm on Friday August 23, 2019 at The Rock Church, 4280 Church Point Road Gonzales. Services are private.Guy was born in Lutcher, LA on January 10, 1965 and departed from this life on Saturday August 17, 2019 at his residence.He was a resident of St Amant...

Stephanie Raquel Benoit

Stephanie Raquel Benoit

Stephanie “Raquel” Benoit, a resident of Baton Rouge passed away Saturday August 17th at Ochsner Medical Center. She was 32 yrs old, born March 31, 1987. She is survived by her partner Joshua Birchfield and daughter Keelei Rae Birchfield. Father- Mark T. Benoit, Mother- Paula Burges Benoit. Sister- Brandie Benoit,  niece’s- Abrianna Land, Madolynne Mitchell, nephew- John Steven Land lll,...

Catherine Longwell

Catherine Longwell

Catherine Longwell was born May 12, 1947 and passed from this life on August 19, 2019 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the age of 72 years.  Arrangements are with Church Funeral Services (225) 644-9683.

Tracy Buffington

Tracy Buffington

Tracy Buffington passed away in Denham Springs on Friday, August 16 at the age of 58 years.  Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, Walker 225-271-4574Type here…

In Loving Memory Of John Hanlon

In Loving Memory Of John Hanlon

Mr. John Hanlon was born October 15, 1933 and departed this life on August 17, 2019 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the age of 85.  Arrangements are with Church Funeral Services Walker (225) 271-4574.

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