Lynn Estelle Craig

Lynn Estelle Craig

Mrs. Lynn Estelle Craig passed away at her residence in Pride, Louisiana on Monday, July 22, 2019 at the age of 57 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, Baton Rouge 225-271-4574

Robert “Robbie” Percy Nobles

Robert “Robbie” Percy Nobles

Robert “Robbie” Percy Nobles passed away on August 10, 2019 at the age of 39. Robbie enjoyed catfishing and cooking for his friends and family. He is survived by his children, Robert Lane Taylor, Blaze R. Medaries, Emily M. Nobles, and Levi Percy Nobles; his brothers Milton and Michael Martin, and his sister, Melissa Nobles Studdard; his sister-in-law, Marsha Martin;...

Deborah Ann Herrin

Deborah Ann Herrin

Mrs. Deborah Ann Herrin Lea, of Denham Springs, Louisiana passed away at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at the age of 65 years. Arrangements pending with Church Funeral Services, St. Amant 225-644-9683To view Deborah Ann Herrin Lea’s Tribute Video click the link below:

Linzey Albert, Jr.

Linzey Albert, Jr.

Mr. Linzey Albert, Jr. passed away at Baton Rouge General Bluebonnet on Thursday, August 8, 2019 at the age of 71 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, St. Amant 225-644-9683

Wendell Keith Thomas

Wendell Keith Thomas

Wendell Keith Thomas, 57, of Baton Rouge, departed this life to enter into eternal life with his Lord and Savior on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at the Bluebonnet Location of Baton Rouge General Hospital in Baton Rouge at 4:07 a.m. Wendell is a native of Baton Rouge born to Gladys Marie Thomas and William Joseph Thomas (“WJ”) on October 25,...

John Wesley Parmer

John Wesley Parmer

Our father, John Wesley Parmer, passed away peacefully Sunday, August 11, 2019, at his home in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. John was born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley in south Texas in the 1920s and 30s. He earned his degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas in Austin and enlisted in the US Navy near the end...

Jerry Edward Kuhn

Jerry Edward Kuhn

Jerry Edward Kuhn, born at home on November 24, 1947 in Boone County, West Virginia to Ezra and Ruth Arihart Kuhn, went to be with his Savior, Jesus Christ, on Sunday, August 11, 2019. He is survived by his wife of 24 years, Marie Witmer Kuhn; children, Charles Smith (Becky), Crystal Smith Macon (Terry), Latricia Smith Day (Chris) and Pam...

Lionel A. Mccauley “Mac”

Lionel A. Mccauley “Mac”

A ceremony celebrating the life of Mr. Lionel A. McCauley (Mac) will be held Friday, August 16, 2019 at Louisiana National Cemetery in Zachary, La.303 W. Pleasant Road at 11 am. Mac was born October 12, 1936 in Eunice, LA and departed from this life surrounded by his family on August 9, 2019 at his home in Pride, LA. He...

Donald Paul Guidry

Donald Paul Guidry

Donald Paul Guidry departed this life on August 10, 2019, at the age of 66 years. He was a native of Kenner, LA and a resident of Prairieville, LA. He was a devoted husband to Katherine Castay Guidry for 46 years and a loving father to Donald L. (Danielle) Guidry of Prairieville, Amanda M. (Mitchell) Guidry of Amite, and Ja’nene...

Bonnie Williams Lockhart

Bonnie Williams Lockhart

Bonnie Williams Lockhart, age 97, departed this life surrounded by her children and their families at her home in Walker. A lifelong resident of Walker and longtime member of Walker Baptist Church, Bonnie served her Lord and Savior everyday of her life. Born June 5, 1922, she was a loving daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother, sister and friend that...

Dale Wallace Mcmillan

Dale Wallace Mcmillan

Dale Wallace McMillan, age 45, died in his hometown of Baton Rouge, Louisiana Saturday, August 10, 2019. Dale is survived by three daughters, Willow Dove, Madeline Altan, and Camille Christine; and four siblings, Gamze Yurdasan, Dalton Richie, Donald Mehmet, and Orhan Christopher; and several nephews and nieces. A service will be held at 13475 Hwy 431, Unit H, St. Amant,...

Terry Wayne Landry

Terry Wayne Landry

Mr. Terry Wayne Landry passed away at his home in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Thursday, August 8, 2019 at the age of 55 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, St. Amant 225-644-9683

Jeanne M. Heigle

Jeanne M. Heigle

Mrs. Jeanne M. Heigle passed away at Ashton Manor Assisted Living in Luling, Louisiana on Monday, August 5, 2019 at the age of 81 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, Baton Rouge 225-293-4174

Ronald Dean Snyder, Sr.

Ronald Dean Snyder, Sr.

Mr. Ronald Dean Snyder, Sr. passed away at his residence in Baton Rouge on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at the age of 63 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, St. Amant 225-644-9683

In Loving Memory O Heather Renee Belanger

In Loving Memory O Heather Renee Belanger

Heather Renee Belanger, 37, a native of Houma and resident of Baton Rouge, passed away on July 27, 2019. A service will be held August 6th, 2019 at Our Saviors Church, 655 Highway 96, Broussard, LA at 10 a.m. Visitation will begin at 8:30 a.m. She survived by her father Van P. Belanger and wife Jeanie Belanger, mother Judy C....

Mary Evelyn Womack Merhige

Mary Evelyn Womack Merhige

Ms. Mary Evelyn Womack Merhige passed away at her home in Metairie, Louisiana on Wednesday, August 5, 2019 at the age of 77 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, St. Amant 225-644-9683

Richard Brown

Richard Brown

Richard Brown of Albany, La was called to be with Our Lord on August 5, 2019 at the age of 60. Richard was born November 26, 1958 to the late Rowena Durbin Brown and William Lee Brown, Sr. He enjoyed his church friends and his computer. He is survived by his half-sister, Margret Birdwell; lost half-brother; Dudley; and several cousins. ...

Mike J. Bearb

Mike J. Bearb

Mr. Mike J. Bearb passed away at his home in Denham Springs, Louisiana on Saturday, July 27, 2019 at the age of 59 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, Baton Rouge 225-293-4174

Manuel Decoteau

Manuel Decoteau

Mr. Manuel Decoteau, of Gonzales, Louisiana, passed away at Baton Rouge General Bluebonnet in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Friday, August 9, 2019 at the age of 75 years. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, St. Amant 225-644-9683

Wendell Keith Thomas

Wendell Keith Thomas

Mr. Wendell Keith Thomas passed away at Baton Rouge General Bluebonnet in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Tuesday, July 30, 2019. Visitation will be held at Bethany Campus South, beginning at 10:00am until funeral service at 11:00am on Thursday, August 15, 2019. Arrangements with Church Funeral Services, St. Amant 225-644-9683

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